Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A New Blog, A New Me

  If any of you who are reading this know me, you will probably know that I have trouble keeping one blog for even a short amount of time. But today that will change.
  Last night I couldn't sleep, so I decided to read my Bible. My family has been having some trials lately, first with the move to Georgia and now with trying to get settled. I keep praying that things would move faster than they have been, and all together being very impatient with how God has everything working out. The verses that I read are these:
  "And we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end: That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises...Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee. And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise."
                              - Hebrews 6: 11-12, 13-14
  Let me explain a little something to you. My parents found out yesterday that we got approved to lease a three bedroom two bathroom mobile home in a small mobile home park. My mom and I weren't all to thrilled the first time we saw it, but knew we could make it feel like home. Yesterday after dinner, we drove back by the home to see how the neighborhood was at night. Thankfully, it seemed quiet, as there was nobody walking around outside. When we drove back by the house, it was like I saw it from a new perspective (this was before reading these verses). It didn't look as bad as it had the first time I saw it.
  After reading these passages in my Bible last night, I realized two things. 1) I have a horrible problem with patience and being thankful for what I have. 2) I was not being the Christian that I should be. I thought back to before we found out my dad was losing his job, and realized that that had been the first time I had read my Bible in over two months. I had surrounded myself with unchristian music, television shows, and books. I let my life stray from the path God had be going down, and started going 'my own way'. I hadn't even given it a thought until last night.
  So, after reading more scriptures about faith, patience, and christian living - and praying fervently - I have decided that I am going to flip my life back to how it's suppose to be. I am going to put God back into the center of everything I do, and do everything as if I were serving him alone. Because, ultimately, I am. I am going to try my hardest to be an good, Godly example of Christ.  And so, with this new blog, comes a new me. I will need prayers and encouragement, because I'm afraid that I dug myself into a whole a little bit bigger than I thought it was.


  1. Girl, your heart is beautiful! You've been through so much in a short amount of time.. your whole family has. And you are keeping yourself on the right track. Stay close to Jesus, and you'll never go wrong. Sending prayers and encouragement!!!
