Monday, April 29, 2013

The Baby Name Game

  Last night, I was watching the new - or at least new to me - game show called Bet On Your Baby. Parents bet that their toddlers either can or cannot do certain things. If they are right, they get $5,000 towards their kids college fund and move on to the 'College Round'. Then, all of the parents compete to see if they can get the answer right to whatever the challenge is. The winning parents wins $50,000 towards their toddlers college fund.
  It was a cool show, and all of the toddlers where little cuties. As I was watching, I heard some really neat names, of both the parents and the kids. I started coming up with some baby names that I thought were pretty cute. Here are the ones I came up with:

Girl Names:
 - Jhenezkha (pronounced Jenn - ez - ka) Faith
 - Piperlynn Grace
 - Gyanna (pronounced Jy - anna) Elizabeth

Boy Names:
 - Dezen (pronounced Dez - n) Micheal
 - Eammon (pronounced A - mon) Jacob
 - Ryder Samuel

  I know that I'm no where close to having a baby, but I still like coming up with cute names.

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